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The family workshop, during which we made hotels for bees out of the stems of various plant species. Such hotels that are actually friendly to our little friends.

In the cities, bee-friendly places are often created in order to protect bees. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of these measures is rarely tested and many mistakes are made in their creation. These places should not be surrounded on two sides by a busy roadway. Splinters must be removed from special bores in the wood. The houses should not be painted and the reeds should not be glued with toxic glue. But we know how to do things right!

During the workshop we built hotels and learned lots of important things about bees.

Workshop leader: Kamila Chomicz – graduate of biology (University of Gdańsk) and the Academy of Film and Television (Warsaw). She makes films, takes photos, organises workshops and meetings. Creates educational campaigns and social-artistic projects. In recent years, she has been primarily concerned with the following topics: ecology, sustainable development of villages and cities, ecological tourism and popularisation of science.